Decision support for sustainable land management webinar 2: Assessing barriers and key decision-making processes


29 September 2021


Virtual event


Lilian Goredema, FAO

FAO Land and Water Division teams up with RFS to support sustainable land management

The FAO Land and Water Division (NSL), through its Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) team, joined efforts with the RFS programme to build capacity and share knowledge on scaling up and decision-support for integrated approaches to sustainable land management (SLM) and integrated natural resource management (INRM).

Sustainable Land Management (SLM) is a land management process developed in response to widespread land degradation and desertification. As land quality degrades, food and water become more insecure, poverty rises, and communities become more vulnerable. Rather than solely focusing on profit maximisation, SLM seeks to protect ecosystem function while maintaining the long-term productive potential of resources, their environmental functions and human well-being.

Decision support and mainstreaming SLM webinar series

From 2015 to 2019, the FAO NSL-ILM team implemented the GEF-financed Decision Support for mainstreaming and scaling up Sustainable Land Management project (DS-SLM) with WOCAT in 15 countries worldwide. Through the project, the team developed and tested a Decision Support Framework (DSF) to guide country teams on how to integrate evidence-based information on land degradation and sustainable land management (SLM) and design mainstreaming strategies for scaling up SLM. 

In May, the FAO team hosted the first of three webinars to train RFS country teams in using the DSF within their projects. The webinar focused on the importance of mainstreaming SLM to help decision-makers prioritise the management of natural resources within the context of other objectives, generating sustainability beyond the scope of a single project. Representatives from all 12 country projects were present for the first training.

In September, the FAO team will host the second webinar of this series. Through the webinar, country project teams will learn how to conduct a rapid assessment of the barriers and decision-making processes and identify which barriers and processes should be addressed in the mainstreaming work.   

Next steps

In the coming months, there will a final follow-up webinar:

  • Mainstreaming and policy engagement mechanisms: Multi-stakeholder platforms and communication strategies, TBD

If you are interested in attending these webinars, please contact RFS FAO focal point Lilian Goredema.



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