05 October 2021
Virtual event
Ana Maria Paez-Valencia
Rodrigo Ciannella
Due to continued COVID-19 restrictions, the RFS PCU will be unable to host the annual RFS programme workshop in-person this year. In its place, the PCU will hold a 2021 virtual learning and exchange workshop series. This virtual workshop series consists of key learning and exchange events between RFS country projects, partners and key stakeholders. The series will be held across the second half of this year.
The second session of the RFS 2021 Annual Workshop series is based upon the invaluable efforts of gender-specialist, Ana Maria Paez Valencia (CIFOR-ICRAF), in contributing guidance for gender-responsive project implementation within the RFS Programme. “Gender-responsiveness,” she says, “means going beyond identifying the differences and gaps between men and women.” This means not just applying a “do no harm” approach, but actively addressing gender and its intersections with other influences such as age and socio-economic status to ensure that projects are relevant, useful and accessible to all project beneficiaries. Project leaders Rhoda Dia and Lynn Kota, from the Nigeria and eSwatini country projects, respectively, present their insights, lessons learned and key gender-responsive actions at the project level. An interactive Q&A between the project leaders, Ana Maria Paez Valencia and workshop attendees delivers a deeper understanding of the nuance of gender dynamics between communities and how project facilitators can tailor their approaches to fulfil the needs, priorities and interests of diverse farmer groups.
Science, Practice and Policy Expert Dialogue on Food Systems and Resilience
November 16th 14.00 to 15.30 Eastern Africa Time
Advocating for Resilient Food Systems: influencing decision making - a training for RFS Country Projects
November 23rd 14.30 to 16.30 Eastern Africa Time
Gender is a cross-cutting issue within the RFS programme and gender mainstreaming was a major aspect of RFS country projects design. This guidance note is designed to assist country teams to identify the most relevant gender dimensions according to the theme and scope of their project. It also suggests activities, methods and approaches to address those gender dimensions in project implementation. The aim is to ensure that both men and women have equal opportunities to participate in, contribute to, and benefit from the RFS projects.
RFS Gender Specialist, Ana Maria Paez Valencia, presents an overview of gender-responsive project implementation as per her Guidance Note for the RFS Programme. This presentation marked the introduction to the second session of the RFS 2021 Annual Workshop Series, Making a difference for women through gender-responsive project implementation, held on October 5th.
Rhoda Dia, RFS Project Leader for Nigeria, shares experiences of gender-responsive project implementation as part of the October 5th session of the RFS 2021 Annual Workshop Series: Making a difference for women through gender-responsive project implementation.
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